Our Doctors at Wink Eye Care strive to provide each patient with a thorough and educational experience while assessing overall ocular health.
For every exam, we will discuss your overall medical history, current medications (including over the counter) and daily lifestyle. Many illnesses and medications may affect or could have the potential to lead to associated eye issues. It is also important for us to learn about your life style because we want to prescribe glasses, contact lenses and therapy based on your specific needs.
Our comprehensive eye exams include the following, please expand each of the sections for more information.
We believe just as important as it is for us to understand your medical history, you should be provided with the details to your eye exam. Please feel free to ask questions during your exam, we want you to feel comfortable and walk away with an understanding of the process. During your exam, we will :
Your contact lens fitting evaluation will determine if you are a candidate for wearing contact lens. This assessment includes tests and procedures which go beyond an eyeglass prescription: the measurement of the corneal curvature, a modified health assessment of the eye and an in-office trial with diagnostic lenses. Your contact lens evaluation includes your updated glasses prescription, a diagnostic pair of contact lenses, follow up if necessary, and your Contact Lens Rx. A contact lens evaluation is like an “upgrade” from the glasses examination.
Our office matches 1800-Contacts & Wal-Mart prices PLUS an additional 5% OFF for our customers. Also, as a private office, we can provide you with an extra manufacturers rebate to give you even more savings! We can fill any prescription as long as it’s not expired. Please bring it in and we’ll give you a quote or call us at 214.872.4177 and make an order over the phone. We’ll be happy to serve you.
Medical Evaluations are evaluations that DO NOT pertain to correcting for glasses or contacts. Medical evaluations are performed to help manage and/or treat certain health aspects of the eye similar to the following:
**Most medical evaluations and procedures are normally covered by a major medical insurance (deductible met). These are different from Vision Insurance and Plans.
Glaucoma Evaluations are usually for patients with a family history of glaucoma or those previously diagnosed with the condition. Dr. Tran is certified as an Optometric Glaucoma Specialist in the state of Texas and can help you diagnose, treat and manage glaucoma if needed. While there is no cure for glaucoma, early detection is vital to stopping the progress of permanent vision loss.
The examination includes the following:
Diabetic Examinations are usually requested by your Primary Care Physician. Patients who are Type I or Type II diabetics are recommended to have yearly dilated comprehensive exams to monitor and detect any signs of Diabetic Retinopathy which may cause permanent vision loss. We can perform the exam and contact your Primary Care Physician to update your chart.
The examination includes the following: